PHC GO Changelog Simple API

  Updated Methods

  • createInternalDocument

    • Inside the object "Internal Document" we added a new parameter:

      1. taxExemptionCode (It serves to indicate the reason for exemption).

    • It was made a correction so that the discount is transferred to the document even when the product has no reference.

  Updated Methods

  • createDocument

    • Inside the object "document" we added a new parameter:

      1. rectificationReason (It serves to indicate the reason of rectification (it´s mandatory in NC and ND documents).).

  New Endpoint

  Updated Methods

  • createInternalDocument and createDocument

    • We´ve made the following changes to the salesmanName field:

      1. A change was made so that if the salesmanName defined in the method is different from what is defined in the customer file, that defined in the API call will be respected.

      2. If the salesmanName defined in the call does not exist, it is created and used in the document.

      3. If the salesmanName is not defined in the API call, the one defined in the customer file is used.

  Updated Methods

  • createInternalDocument

    • Inside the object Internal Document we added two new parameters:

      1. financialDiscount (It serves to indicate the financial discount (not including tax).).

      2. financialDiscountInPercentage (It serves to indicate the percentage of financial discount (not including tax).).

  Updated Methods

  Updated Methods

  Updated Methods

  • createDocument
    • Inside the object Document we added a new parameter:

      1. blAccount (Can be used when we want to use a treasury account different from the one configured in the series.)

  Updated Methods

  • runAnalysis
    • It was made a correction that will return the correct result regarding the JSON Body sent by the developer.

  • createDocument
    • Inside the object Document we added a new parameter:

      1. issueAsWaybillDoc (On activate the checkbox "Document serves as a shipping document")

  Updated Methods

  Updated Methods

  • createCustomer
    • Inside the object customer we added a new parameter:

      1. createEstablishment (To create a new establishment for a customer)

  • create_updateCustomer
    • Inside the object customer we added a new parameter:

      1. createEstablishment (To create a new establishment for a customer)

  Updated Methods

  • createDocument
    • Inside the object document we added a new parameter:

      1. taxExemptionCode (in PHC GO "codmotiseimp")

  • createPurchase
    • Inside the object document we added a new parameter:

      1. taxExemptionCode (in PHC GO "codmotiseimp")

  Updated Methods

  • createProduct
    • Inside the object product we added a new parameter:

      1. barcode (in PHC GO "st.codigo")

    • Was created a new object alternative_barcodes, which has the following parameters:

      1. barcode (in PHC GO "stcbs.codigo")
      2. designpack (in PHC GO "stcbs.designpack")
      3. quantity (in PHC GO "stcbst.qtt")
      4. usetag (in PHC GO "stcbs.usetag")

  • create_updateProduct
    • Inside the object product we added a new parameter:

      1. barcode (in PHC GO "st.codigo")

    • Was created a new object alternative_barcodes, which has the following parameters:

      1. barcode (in PHC GO "stcbs.codigo")
      2. designpack (in PHC GO "stcbs.designpack")
      3. quantity (in PHC GO "stcbst.qtt")
      4. usetag (in PHC GO "stcbs.usetag")

  Updated Methods

  • createParcialReceipt
    • Inside of the object document, we added the following parameters:

      1. treasuryType (in PHC GO "re.contado")
      2. treasuryName (in PHC GO "bl.banco")
      3. rank (in PHC GO "re.olcodigo")

  Updated Methods

  • Create Document

    • If the parameter "notUpdate" value is set as "true" the customer data will not be updated in it´s respetive record itself. Instead, it will be exclusively used in the document, or to create a new customer (if the respective data is missing in the "document" section).

  • Create Internal Document

    • If the parameter "notUpdate" value is set as "true", the customer/supplier data will not be updated in their respetive records itself. Instead, they will be exclusively used in the internal dossier, or to create a new customer/supplier (if the respective data is missing in the "internalDocument" section).

  Updated Methods

  • Create Document

    • From now on, if the optional parameter "salesmanName" is set:

      1. And if a vendor with the defined name has been found within "Salesmen" table (cm3), it will be associated with the invoice document
      2. Otherwise, only the informative field "ft.vendnm" will be filled in with the defined name.

  Updated Methods

  • Create Document

    • When introducing Credit Notes with VAT included in the total value of the original document, this property is now saved, thus avoiding the error related to exceeding the initial value.

  Updated Methods

  • Fetch Document for Receipts
    • Added the possibility to use the filters docType, documentNumber and documentYear simultaneously, thus giving the possibility to distinguish receipts that have the same number, same series but different years.

  Updated Methods

  • runAnalysis

    • Corrections were made to the "runAnalysis" method in the Simple API so that, with option 1 set, it will return an Excel document.

  Updated Methods

  Updated Methods

  • Create Document

    • Fixed an issue when creating invoices with multiple instances of the same product (when using diffrent unit prices).

  Updated Methods

  • Create Document
    • Now allows the creation of invoices with products whose unitPrice value is equal to 0.

  Updated Methods

  Updated Endpoints Settings

  • The execution time of an endpoint has been increased, as well as the amount of memory allowed.


  Updated Methods

  • Create Products
    • New boolean parameter (requestOptions section): clearWrongTaxNum: This option allows the newly created clients to have their tax number deleted, in case it is invalid. This allows the creation of the client and the invoice, without the fiscal number. In case the new parameter is not indicated or has the value "false", the billing routine will ignore the new possibility.

  Updated Methods

  • createDocument
  • createInternalDocument
  • createPurchase

    • products (object): The following fields from the "products" object had their type converted from "number" into "decimal", now supporting integers with decimals (according to the numbers defined in PHC GO):
      • discount1
      • discount2
      • discount3
      • discount4
      • discount5
      • discount6

  • createDocument

    • shipping(object): The following fields from the "shipping" object had their type converted from "number" into "decimal", now supporting integers with decimals (according to the numbers defined in PHC GO):
      • ship_discount1
      • ship_discount2
      • ship_discount3
      • ship_discount4
      • ship_discount5
      • ship_discount6

  Updated Method

  • Create Document - The issue of creating credit notes, through the "createDocument" Simple API method, has been solved.

  Updated Method

  • Create Document - The issue of creating invoices, through the "createDocument" Simple API method, using only the reference in the product list, has been solved.

  New Method

  New Webhook

  • Insert Task

  Updated Methods

  • Create Records

  Updated Function

  • ValidCollation
    • Updated field: nome - Added support for quotation marks characters ( " ) on all Create Customers methods.

  Updated Methods

  Updated Methods

  • Create Document
    • Updated field: financialDiscount: When using the foreign currency, the financial discount is attributed to that currency.

  Updated Functions

  • Changed function: getCustomerByTaxNumber

  Updated Methods

  Fixed Methods

  Updated Methods

  Updated Functions

  • Changed function: removeSpecialChars

  New Methods

  Updated Methods