PHC GO Run Analysis


The method to be called is:


In the request headers the Authorization header must have the Access Token:

  • Authorization: {{accessToken}}

JSON body

In the body of the POST a JSON structure like this one has to be passed:

Note: The following example is an analysis with variables

"requestOptions": {

"analysis": {
"id": 261,
"variables": [

"no": 1,
"name": "Data Inicial",
"value": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z"

"no": 2,
"name": "Data Final",
"value": "2024-12-31T00:00:00Z"

"no": 3,
"name": "Estado",
"value": "Vencida"

"no": 4,
"name": "Cliente",
"value": "Todos os Cliente"

"no": 5,
"name": "Mostra documentos já regularizados",
"value": false

"no": 7,
"name": "Mostra adiantamentos",
"value": false

"no": 8,
"name": "Deduz retenções",
"value": false

"no": 9,
"name": "Excluir movimentos incobráveis",
"value": false


Return Information

Any call made to this method will return a JSON information with this structure:

  1. If the option value is “0”:

    It returns the data of the analysis, for example:
    "stamp": "b66-425b-b0d2-a321bd61fab",
    "nome": "A Música na Moda",
    "documento": "N/Fatura 8",
    "data": "2020.06.09",
    "dataven": "2020.08.10",
    "original": 2955.69,
    "saldo": 2955.69,
    "dias": 236,
    "targ": "1",
    "revisionNumber": 0

  2. If the option value is “1”:

    "code": 1,
    "message": "Analysis was exported with sucess.",
    "xlsx": "LINK FOR THE XLSX FILE"

  3. In case of error:

    1. In this case, that analysis require variables (assuming that developer did not pass them to method) The API suggest the correct “variables” structure for the analysis:
      "code": 100,
      "message": "Missing parameter variables with this : [{ no: 1, nome: Data Inicial, value: (Date like this - 2020-03-03 23:00:00) }, { no: 2, nome: Data final, value: (Date like this - 2020-03-01 23:00:00) }, { no: 3, nome: Estado, value: (One of this itens - Todos,Vencida,Por Vencer,Próprio Dia) }, ]"

    2. If analysis doesn’t require variables, In the body of the POST a JSON structure like this one has to be passed:
      "analysis": {
      "id": 558

    JSON Specification for Run Analysis

    Request Options

    NameTypePHC GO EntityPHC GO FieldObservations
    optionInteger0 – Return the analysis values as JSON
    1 – Return the analysis as XLSX file
    (If no option is specified the default option will be 0)



    NameTypePHC GO EntityPHC GO FieldObservations


    Variables2 (array of variables)

    NameTypePHC GO EntityPHC GO FieldObservations
    no1IntegerNumber of Variable
    name1StringName of variable
    Value1StringValue of Analysis Variable



    1 - Required

    2 - Required if analysis require variables
