PHC GO Funções SDK - Permissions


This class contains functions that allow you to check the accesses of various entities and users in the application.



If the entity name is available on the application

Return Function

A logical value indicating whether or not the entity is available in the application.


value Description Type
entityName The name of the entity, for example Clients is CL, Invoicing Documents is FT, Suppliers is FL, Purchases is FO String


´The following example first check if the entity is available before returning a list with all the series number of Invoicing Documents in the database.

If SDK.Permissions.isEntityAvailable("td")
Dim allConfigNumbers as List(Of Integer) = SDK.Query.getValues(Of Integer)("td", "ndoc")
End If



If the entity type is available on the application.

Return Function

A logical value indicating whether or not the entity is available in the application.


value Description Type
entityType The type of the entity, for example Clients is GetType(ClVO), Invoicing Documents is GetType(FtVO), Suppliers is GetType(FlVO), Purchases is GetType(FoVO) System.Type


´The following example first check if the entity is available before returning a list with all the series number of Invoicing Documents in the database.

If SDK.Permissions.isEntityAvailable(GetType(TdVO))
allConfigNumbers as List(Of Integer) = SDK.Query.getValues(Of Integer)("td", "ndoc")
End If



If the entity name is available on the application and the current user has the respective access.

Return Function

A logical value indicating whether or not the entity is available in the application and the current user has the respective access.


value Description Type
entityName The name of the entity, for example Clients is CL, Invoicing Documents is FT, Suppliers is FL, Purchases is FO String
permission Is the type of permission checked, by default the query/view permission is used, for more detail . This parameter is optional and the default value is "PermissionsTypes.View" ENUM PHCDataLayer.PermissionsType


´The following example first check if the entity is available and the user have Edit access to it before returning a list with all the series number of Invoicing Documents in the database.

If SDK.Permissions.isEntityAvailable(GetType(TdVO),PermissionsTypes.Edit)
allConfigNumbers as List(Of Integer) = SDK.Query.getValues(Of Integer)("td", "ndoc")
End If



If the entity name is available on the application and the current user has the respective access.

Return Function

A logical value indicating whether or not the entity is available in the application and the current user has the respective access.


value Description Type
entityType The type of the entity, for example Clients is GetType(ClVO), Invoicing Documents is GetType(FtVO), Suppliers is GetType(FlVO), Purchases is GetType(FoVO) System.Type
permission Is the type of permission checked, by default the query/view permission is used, for more detail . This parameter is optional and the default value is "PermissionsTypes.View" ENUM PHCDataLayer.PermissionsType


´The following example first check if the entity is available and the user have Edit access to it before returning a list with all the series number of Invoicing Documents in the database.

If SDK.Permissions.isEntityAvailable(GetType(TdVO),PermissionsTypes.Edit)
allConfigNumbers as List(Of Integer) = SDK.Query.getValues(Of Integer)("td", "ndoc")
End If



Checks if the user currently logged on has access to the features of a given add-on.

Return Function

A logical value indicating whether or not the user currently logged on has access to the features of a given add-on.


value Description Type
addonID The identifier of the add-on to check for availability String


´The following example first checks if the user currently logged on has access to the features of the add-on identified by "u123_test" before returning a list with all the series number of Invoicing Documents in the "u123_table" that is part of the add-on.

If SDK.Permissions.isUserAddonAvailable("u123_test")
Dim allConfigNumbers as List(Of Integer) = SDK.Query.getValues(Of Integer)("u123_table", "ndoc")
End If



Check if the application has some product.

Return Function

A logical value indicating whether or not the application has some product


value Description Type
productId The identifier of the product to check for availability ENUM PHCLibrary.Products


´The following example check if the product "Agenda" is available in this application

Dim hasAgenda as boolean = SDK.Permissions.UserHaveProduct(Products.Agenda)